SKU: AVN_034
A product from AVN Ayurveda, AVN Ksheerabala (101) Soft Gel Capsule is a powerful product made by concentrating and reducing regular Ksheerabala Thailam 101 times. This process increases its potency tremendously. Its properties are emollient, cooling, strengthening, anti-rheumatic, nervine, anti-inflammatory and analgesic. Traditionally used for arthritis, numbness, injuries insomnia and nervous disorders. Ksheerabala Capsule is an Ideal Nervine Tonic used in many neurological disorders as well as in rheumatism and insomnia. Indications: Neurological diseases, Myalgia, Post-natal care, Gynaecological disorders. Dosage: 1-2 Capsules twice daily or as directed by the Physician.
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₹60.00 Regular Price
₹51.00Sale Price
Qty: 10'S